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Amazon Athena configurations


Table configuration

external_locationNoneThe full S3 path to where the table is saved. It only works with incremental models. It doesn't work with Hive tables with ha set to true.
partitioned_byNoneAn array list of columns by which the table will be partitioned. Currently limited to 100 partitions.
bucketed_byNoneAn array list of the columns to bucket data. Ignored if using Iceberg.
bucket_countNoneThe number of buckets for bucketing your data. This parameter is ignored if using Iceberg.
table_typeHiveThe type of table. Supports hive or iceberg.
haFalseBuild the table using the high-availability method. Only available for Hive tables.
formatParquetThe data format for the table. Supports ORC, PARQUET, AVRO, JSON, and TEXTFILE.
write_compressionNoneThe compression type for any storage format that allows compressions.
field_delimeterNoneSpecify the custom field delimiter to use when the format is set to TEXTFIRE.
table_propertiesN/AThe table properties to add to the table. This is only for Iceberg.
native_dropN/ARelation drop operations will be performed with SQL, not direct Glue API calls. No S3 calls will be made to manage data in S3. Data in S3 will only be cleared up for Iceberg tables. See the AWS docs for more info. Iceberg DROP TABLE operations may timeout if they take longer than 60 seconds.
seed_by_insertFalseCreates seeds using an SQL insert statement. Large seed files can't exceed the Athena 262144 bytes limit.
force_batchFalseRun the table creation directly in batch insert mode. Useful when the standard table creation fails due to partition limitation.
unique_tmp_table_suffixFalseReplace the "__dbt_tmp table" suffix with a unique UUID for incremental models using insert overwrite on Hive tables.
temp_schemaNoneDefines a schema to hold temporary create statements used in incremental model runs. Scheme will be created in the models target database if it does not exist.
lf_tags_configNoneAWS Lake Formation tags to associate with the table and columns. Existing tags will be removed.
* enabled (default=False) whether LF tags management is enabled for a model
* tags dictionary with tags and their values to assign for the model
* tags_columns dictionary with a tag key, value and list of columns they must be assigned to
lf_inherited_tagsNoneList of the Lake Formation tag keys that are to be inherited from the database level and shouldn't be removed during the assignment of those defined in ls_tags_config.
lf_grantsNoneLake Formation grants config for data_cell filters.

Configuration examples

'enabled': true,
'tags': {
'tag1': 'value1',
'tag2': 'value2'
'tags_columns': {
'tag1': {
'value1': ['column1', 'column2'],
'value2': ['column3', 'column4']
'inherited_tags': ['tag1', 'tag2']

Consider these limitations and recommendations:

  • lf_tags and lf_tags_columns configs support only attaching lf tags to corresponding resources.
  • We recommend managing LF Tags permissions somewhere outside dbt. For example, terraform or aws cdk.
  • data_cell_filters management can't be automated outside dbt because the filter can't be attached to the table, which doesn't exist. Once you enable this config, dbt will set all filters and their permissions during every dbt run. Such an approach keeps the actual state of row-level security configuration after every dbt run and applies changes if they occur: drop, create, and update filters and their permissions.
  • Any tags listed in lf_inherited_tags should be strictly inherited from the database level and never overridden at the table and column level.
  • Currently, dbt-athena does not differentiate between an inherited tag association and an override it made previously.
    • For example, If a lf_tags_config value overrides an inherited tag in one run, and that override is removed before a subsequent run, the prior override will linger and no longer be encoded anywhere (for example, Terraform where the inherited value is configured nor in the DBT project where the override previously existed but now is gone).

Table location

The saved location of a table is determined in precedence by the following conditions:

  1. If external_location is defined, that value is used.
  2. If s3_data_dir is defined, the path is determined by that and s3_data_naming.
  3. If s3_data_dir is not defined, data is stored under s3_staging_dir/tables/.

The following options are available for s3_data_naming:

  • unique: {s3_data_dir}/{uuid4()}/
  • table: {s3_data_dir}/{table}/
  • table_unique: {s3_data_dir}/{table}/{uuid4()}/
  • schema_table: {s3_data_dir}/{schema}/{table}/
  • s3_data_naming=schema_table_unique: {s3_data_dir}/{schema}/{table}/{uuid4()}/

To set the s3_data_naming globally in the target profile, overwrite the value in the table config, or set up the value for groups of the models in dbt_project.yml.

Note: If you're using a workgroup with a default output location configured, s3_data_naming ignores any configured buckets and uses the location configured in the workgroup.

Incremental models

The following incremental models strategies are supported:

  • insert_overwrite (default): The insert-overwrite strategy deletes the overlapping partitions from the destination table and then inserts the new records from the source. This strategy depends on the partitioned_by keyword! dbt will fall back to the append strategy if no partitions are defined.
  • append: Insert new records without updating, deleting or overwriting any existing data. There might be duplicate data (great for log or historical data).
  • merge: Conditionally updates, deletes, or inserts rows into an Iceberg table. Used in combination with unique_key.It is only available when using Iceberg.

Consider this limitation when using Iceberg models:

  • Incremental Iceberg models — Sync all columns on schema change. You can't remove columns used for partitioning with an incremental refresh; you must fully refresh the model.

On schema change

The on_schema_change option reflects changes of the schema in incremental models. The values you can set this to are:

  • ignore (default)
  • fail
  • append_new_columns
  • sync_all_columns

To learn more, refer to What if the columns of my incremental model change.


The adapter supports table materialization for Iceberg.

For example:

{{ config(
partitioned_by=['bucket(user_id, 5)'],
'optimize_rewrite_delete_file_threshold': '2'
) }}

select 'A' as user_id,
'pi' as name,
'active' as status,
17.89 as cost,
1 as quantity,
100000000 as quantity_big,
current_date as my_date

Iceberg supports bucketing as hidden partitions. Use the partitioned_by config to add specific bucketing conditions.

Iceberg supports the PARQUET, AVRO and ORC table formats for data .

The following are the supported strategies for using Iceberg incrementally:

  • append: New records are appended to the table (this can lead to duplicates).
  • merge: Perform an update and insert (and optional delete) where new and existing records are added. This is only available with Athena engine version 3.
    • unique_key(required): Columns that define a unique source and target table record.
    • incremental_predicates (optional): The SQL conditions that enable custom join clauses in the merge statement. This helps improve performance via predicate pushdown on target tables.
    • delete_condition (optional): SQL condition that identifies records that should be deleted.
    • update_condition (optional): SQL condition that identifies records that should be updated.
    • insert_condition (optional): SQL condition that identifies records that should be inserted.

incremental_predicates, delete_condition, update_condition and insert_condition can include any column of the incremental table (src) or the final table (target). Column names must be prefixed by either src or target to prevent a Column is ambiguous error.

{{ config(
incremental_predicates=["src.quantity > 1", "target.my_date >= now() - interval '4' year"],
delete_condition="src.status != 'active' and target.my_date < now() - interval '2' year",
) }}

select 'A' as user_id,
'pi' as name,
'active' as status,
17.89 as cost,
1 as quantity,
100000000 as quantity_big,
current_date as my_date

High availability (HA) table

The current implementation of table materialization can lead to downtime, as the target table is dropped and re-created. For less destructive behavior, you can use the ha config on your table materialized models. It leverages the table versions feature of the glue catalog, which creates a temporary table and swaps the target table to the location of the temporary table. This materialization is only available for table_type=hive and requires using unique locations. For Iceberg, high availability is the default.

By default, the materialization keeps the last 4 table versions,but you can change it by setting versions_to_keep.

{{ config(
) }}

select 'a' as user_id,
'pi' as user_name,
'active' as status
union all
select 'b' as user_id,
'sh' as user_name,
'disabled' as status

HA known issues

  • There could be a little downtime when swapping from a table with partitions to a table without (and the other way around). If higher performance is needed, consider bucketing instead of partitions.
  • By default, Glue "duplicates" the versions internally, so the last two versions of a table point to the same location.
  • It's recommended to set versions_to_keep >= 4, as this will avoid having the older location removed.

Update glue data catalog

You can persist your column and model level descriptions to the Glue Data Catalog as glue table properties and column parameters. To enable this, set the configuration to true as shown in the following example. By default, documentation persistence is disabled, but it can be enabled for specific resources or groups of resources as needed.

For example:

- name: test_deduplicate
description: another value
relation: true
columns: true
test: value
- name: id
primary_key: true

Refer to persist_docs for more details.


The adapter supports snapshot materialization. It supports both the timestamp and check strategies. To create a snapshot, create a snapshot file in the snapshots directory. You'll need to create this directory if it doesn't already exist.

Timestamp strategy

Refer to Timestamp strategy for details on how to use it.

Check strategy

Refer to Check strategy for details on how to use it.

Hard deletes

The materialization also supports invalidating hard deletes. For usage details, refer to Hard deletes.

Snapshots known issues

  • Tables, schemas, and database names should only be lowercase.
  • To avoid potential conflicts, make sure dbt-athena-adapter is not installed in the target environment.
  • Snapshot does not support dropping columns from the source table. If you drop a column, make sure to drop the column from the snapshot as well. Another workaround is to NULL the column in the snapshot definition to preserve the history.

AWS Lake Formation integration

The following describes how the adapter implements the AWS Lake Formation tag management:

  • Enable LF tags management with the lf_tags_config parameter. By default, it's disabled.
  • Once enabled, LF tags are updated on every dbt run.
  • First, all lf-tags for columns are removed to avoid inheritance issues.
  • Then, all redundant lf-tags are removed from tables and actual tags from table configs are applied.
  • Finally, lf-tags for columns are applied.

It's important to understand the following points:

  • dbt doesn't manage lf-tags for databases
  • dbt doesn't manage Lake Formation permissions

That's why it's important to take care of this yourself or use an automation tool such as terraform and AWS CDK. For more details, refer to:

Python models

The adapter supports Python models using spark.


  • A Spark-enabled workgroup created in Athena.
  • Spark execution role granted access to Athena, Glue and S3.
  • The Spark workgroup is added to the ~/.dbt/profiles.yml file and the profile to be used is referenced in dbt_project.yml.

Spark-specific table configuration

timeout43200Time out in seconds for each Python model execution. Defaults to 12 hours/43200 seconds.
spark_encryptionFalseWhen set to true, it encrypts data stored locally by Spark and in transit between Spark nodes.
spark_cross_account_catalogFalseWhen using the Spark Athena workgroup, queries can only be made against catalogs on the same AWS account by default. Setting this parameter to true will enable querying external catalogs if you want to query another catalog on an external AWS account.
Use the syntax external_catalog_id/database.table to access the external table on the external catalog (For example, 999999999999/mydatabase.cloudfront_logs where 999999999999 is the external catalog ID).
spark_requester_paysFalseWhen set to true, if an Amazon S3 bucket is configured as requester pays, the user account running the query is charged for data access and data transfer fees associated with the query.

Spark notes

  • A session is created for each unique engine configuration defined in the models that are part of the invocation. A session's idle timeout is set to 10 minutes. Within the timeout period, if a new calculation (Spark Python model) is ready for execution and the engine configuration matches, the process will reuse the same session.
  • The number of Python models running simultaneously depends on the threads. The number of sessions created for the entire run depends on the number of unique engine configurations and the availability of sessions to maintain thread concurrency.
  • For Iceberg tables, it's recommended to use the table_properties configuration to set the format_version to 2. This helps maintain compatibility between the Iceberg tables Trino created and those Spark created.

Example models

import pandas as pd

def model(dbt, session):

model_df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [1, 2, 3, 4]})

return model_df

Known issues in Python models

  • Python models can't reference Athena SQL views.
  • You can use third-party Python libraries; however, they must be included in the pre-installed list or imported manually.
  • Python models can only reference or write to tables with names matching the regular expression: ^[0-9a-zA-Z_]+$. Spark doesn't support dashes or special characters, even though Athena supports them.
  • Incremental models don't fully utilize Spark capabilities. They depend partially on existing SQL-based logic that runs on Trino.
  • Snapshot materializations are not supported.
  • Spark can only reference tables within the same catalog.
  • For tables created outside of the dbt tool, be sure to populate the location field, or dbt will throw an error when creating the table.


The adapter partly supports contract definitions:

  • data_type is supported but needs to be adjusted for complex types. Types must be specified entirely (for example, array<int>) even though they won't be checked. Indeed, as dbt recommends, we only compare the broader type (array, map, int, varchar). The complete definition is used to check that the data types defined in Athena are ok (pre-flight check).
  • The adapter does not support the constraints since Athena has no constraint concept.